MBS is also a Computer Forensics Laboratory, specialised in the acquisition of forensic copies and subsequent analysis.
The company owns both the hardware and software equipment that can carry out all the necessary IT technical consultancy activities on the devices seized by the judicial authorities.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the expert draws up a technical consultancy report that describes all the analyses performed until the result is achieved, specifying the method they applied for acquisition and description of the used equipment.
Type of cases managed by MBS Engineering
Child pornography
Online scam
Forgery of documents
Unauthorised access
to computer systems
Revenge Porn
Tax offences
Identity theft
Services offered by MBS Engineering
Forensic copies of Hard Disks
Extrapolation of data of investigative interest
Recovery of deleted data
Web browsing analysis (including deep web)
Analysis and extrapolation of video streams from video recording systems
Techniques and Protocols
The laboratory adopts the techniques and protocols as per judicial regulations and the protocols respect the Code of Criminal Procedure and the methodologies of computer investigations:
- Law 48/2008 ratifying the Budapest Convention.
- Articles 117, 244,247, 254, 254 bis, 259, 260, 354, 359, 360 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
MBS Engineering has the following certifications:
- UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 (IT313030) – SW development, management and assistance. Digital Forensics Activities.
- UNI CEI EN ISO 27001: 2017 – SW development, management and assistance. Digital Forensics Activities.